This recurring monthly event showcases innovative short, independent film submissions from diverse, new and emerging cinematic creators—the fresh voices experimenting and creating brilliant work without commercial pressure or restraint. It is a boutique experience in the middle of the week that creatives, cinephiles, and general audiences alike can put on their calendars each month and routinely look forward to discovering new works and original storytellers in cinema.
Official selections for this event are:
“After You,” by Noah Pescara - Richmond. A heartbroken 25-year-old takes his therapist’s advice to meet new people, but what he finds is not what he expected.
“The Discipline,” by Prahas - India. A teacher disciplines her pupils when a few unwanted incidents occur in a residential school for children.
“Welfare Check,” by Devon John Doyle - Richmond. An officer investigates a disturbance only to learn he may be unprepared.
“It’s Sunny Outside,” by Michael Robert Kessler - Florida. Thomas is a stay-at-home dad and workaholic who can’t seem to get the quiet he needs to get any work done.
“On the Inside,” by Pal Gustavsen - Norway. A young man leaves his house to go for a walk when out of nowhere, people chase him with fierce determination.
“Compassionate Caren in the Big, Bad World,” directed by Dean Shortland. Created by Faith Murphy - Tennessee. Caren is a middle-aged control freak who isn’t feeling accepted in the world around her anymore.
Screening will be followed by a Q&A, moderated by Tre Tennyson, with the filmmakers from Richmond and New Jersey!