show your work

Our Show Your Work event is inspired by the book, Show Your Work: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered, by Austin Kleon, in which he encourages creatives to "Find one little piece of your process that you can share. Share your influences and what's inspiring you. Share works in progress. Share scraps from the cutting room floor. Or share what you've learned."

Have work to show? Perhaps it's a rough cut of your latest short film? A MUA demonstration? Wardrobe or props you've created for a film? A new monologue you've been working on for your audition reel? Whatever it is, let us know!

Show Your Work is part of our Social Sundays program and is an opportunity for Richmond Film Network members to celebrate milestones, connect names with faces, exchange ideas, and share project opportunities in a casual, low stakes environment.


Submissions for consideration in an upcoming Show Your Work event are always open. Submit your film, script, photos… whatever it is that you’d like to show, and we will put it in the pool of submissions for programming consideration in a future lineup!

Questions may be directed HERE.