This recurring monthly event showcases innovative short, independent film submissions from diverse cinematic creators—the fresh voices experimenting and creating brilliant work without commercial pressure or restraint. It is a boutique experience in the middle of the week that creatives, cinephiles, and general audiences alike can put on their calendars each month and routinely look forward to discovering new works and original storytellers in cinema.
Official selections for this event are:
“A Moment of Your Time,” Adam Lapallo - Richmond. Two lost souls reconnect in a time-bending theatre on the eve of its demolition.
“Thou Shalt Dance,” Abtin Yaghmaian - Iran. On a normal day, a normal man finds an abnormal solution for his problem.
“Ghost Trials,” Will Sidaros - Richmond. A strong bond between father and son is tested when addiction settles in and takes over.
“Gladiators,” Maryam Rahimi - Iran. Ali must pay a debt to avoid early marriage for his sister.
“Your Move,” May Suri - Richmond. After a virus wipes out most of the human race, a young girl copes with being the last person on Earth by staying optimistic and hoping for a companion.
“In Time,” Gabriel De Santiago - Los Angeles. A deaf writer must conquer his fears if dancing with the girl of his dreams should ever become a reality.
Each screening is followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers in attendance or guest panelists.